Thursday, 18 October 2012

Don't cry - Shout

Many women from all walks of life and at various stages in their lives find themselves unable to speak out because of the emotional blockage that seeps into their voice. They cry when they want to shout or at least to argue a point.
Our workshop will help deliver more than an ability to shout though. Few of us really want to do that a lot. But we don't want to feel silenced and through some simple breathing and relaxing, some vocal release using our major secret - the straw and a bit of mental gymnastics we hope we have a great bonding, freeing, noisy fest at these workshops.
I include details below. 

November Promotional Price: £30 for 3 hours of fantastic training!
A workshop for women who want to be heard.
This workshop has been designed for women who find themselves in tears when they should be angry; for women who have been told they become shrill when they try to put a point across and for women who feel they have lost access to a normal range of vocal responses.
Friday 9th November 9.30am to 12.30pm
Friday 16th November 10am to 1pm or 2pm to 5pm 2012
Venue: St Bride Foundation Fleet Street. 
To book:

An experiential 3 hour workshop in a supportive environment

Do you want to express yourself strongly without getting the sound stuck in your throat?
Do you want to be angry without crying every time?
Do you need to be heard literally and metaphorically – at work and at home?
Do you take up the vocal and physical space that is yours?

Come and learn how to release emotion through your voice safely. In truth shouting never does and never should win arguments but it is a great thing to find total release in your voice. Release depends on many physical factors that can be easily taught. It also depends on you allowing yourself to express thoughts and feelings that you may have suppressed over time because you have been repeatedly told they are inappropriate.

You will learn

     Breath control to fuel your thoughts and your voice.
     Posture and alignment so you look as though you mean business.
     How to vocally release – shout, call, chant
     The power of silence and neutrality and how it can assist you.

Book today:
Call: 02085092767

By Paypal

META Conference

META is a cross government fast track programme  - The Minority Ethnic Talent Association headed by Claudette Sutton. Resonance VT have been lucky enough to be associated with META for the past three years and this year had the opportunity to help facilitate the induction day of the 2012/3 intake of  excellent candidates.

We followed this with a Broadening The Spectrum of Leadership: Voice Impact workshop at the following days Annual Conference on October 11 held at the Treasury which was a heady and most fulfilling day. The keynote speakers were interesting and often inspiring with different takes on diversity and leadership within government and industry. They included

  • Sir Bob Kerslake – Head of the Home Civil Service & Permanent Secretary at the Department for Communities and Local Government
  • Don Robert – Global CEO of Experian Group PLC
  • Irfan Siddiq – Head of the Arab Partnership Department at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
  • Spencer Dale – Chief Economist, The Bank of England
  • Chris Grant – 14a Conversations

The overwhelming impression that came from the day was how seriously diversity is now being taken and the huge steps that behemoths like the Bank of England are taking to ensure they become representative.

I particularly liked a story that we were related about a major CEO advertising to graduates with 2.2 or 3rds who may have over indulged in socialising at University. Write to me the CEO said if you have done something amazing with your life since. He got a reply ' Are you serious? I partied too much and got a 3rd but have a successful company yet my dream is to work for your organisation'. This person was interviewed successfully as a result of his letter and today has achieved his dream!